Wednesday 8 June 2011

Man: Hey baby, what's your sign? Woman: Do not enter.

Ðr ----- May 29 at 8:52pm Report
Hi alina how are U ? i wanna be your friend ? u are looking so beautiful.

Alina Alexandra May 29 at 8:56pm
Hello there! Do you want to be friends with me because I look beautiful? No thanks.

Ðr ----- May 29 at 8:58pm Report
ah no i just said u are beautiful !
not because of just u are beautiful !
because i like u

Alina Alexandra May 29 at 8:59pm
I am flattered. Really.

Ðr ----- May 29 at 9:00pm Report
It doesn't matter cause u are very lovely ! and i hope we become friends

Ðr ----- May 29 at 9:01pm Report
i wanna become ur friend

Ðr ----- May 29 at 9:02pm Report
u are from Russia right ?

Alina Alexandra May 29 at 9:03pm
What makes you think I am lovely? Why would you want to be my friend?

Ðr ----- May 29 at 9:03pm Report
alina !!!
u dont like if someone say u are beautiful ?

Ðr ----- May 29 at 9:04pm Report
Just because of your face ! i think u are a nice girl so ! i wanna becme ur friend ?

Ðr ----- May 29 at 9:06pm Report
I am new in perth

Alina Alexandra May 29 at 9:06pm
Yes I'm from Russia...and I am actually 42 (using my daughter’s photo) and have 3 kids.

Ðr ----- May 29 at 9:06pm Report
and other thing i like russian so much

Ðr ----- May 29 at 9:07pm Report
oh ???

Ðr ----- May 29 at 9:07pm Report
really ? she is your daughter ?

Ðr ----- May 29 at 9:08pm Report
alina if your daughter is so beautiful u must be beautful also !

Ðr ----- May 29 at 9:09pm Report
Are u in perth now or russia ?

Alina Alexandra May 29 at 9:10pm
Was my response not clear enough for you??

Ðr ----- May 29 at 9:12pm Report
yeah u said

Ðr ----- May 29 at 9:12pm Report
where do u live ?

Alina Alexandra May 29 at 9:14pm
At the moment I am living in a small village near Kiev in Ukraine...using dial up internet while my husband is asleep.

Ðr ----- May 29 at 9:15pm Report
u looking angry ?

Ðr ----- May 29 at 9:15pm Report
i m scared haha

Ðr ----- May 29 at 9:15pm Report
can we be freinds ?

Ðr ----- May 29 at 9:16pm Report
Oh.. i thought u are in perth

Alina Alexandra May 29 at 9:17pm
How do you know I look angry when you can't see me?

Ðr ----- 29 at 9:20pm Report
i can feel that from ur talks ! but i hope u be happy always

Ðr ----- May 29 at 9:20pm Report
will u come to perth ?

Alina Alexandra May 29 at 9:24pm

Anil --- May 25 at 9:55am Report
Sent via Facebook Mobile

Alina Alexandra May 25 at 12:09pm
Dear Anil,
Thank you for a heart-warming message. How long did it take you to come up with such beautiful text?

Anil --- May 25 at 5:42pm Report
Alina how are u ?
Heartly thank for reply my message. And whats up!
Sent via Facebook Mobile

Alina Alexandra May 25 at 11:24pm
Dear Anil,
Are you looking for a Russian bride, by any chance? If so, I am a very funny, smart person but have anger management problems, 6 toes on my left foot and I am actually 42 (I found a random photo using google images and though it would be a good idea to put it up as a profile photo so that I have better luck attracting random men on facebook)

Anil --- May 26 at 12:15am Report
Hi alina,
don't mind,my only purpose to talk to you that i just want to know about your country so don't mind plz
Sent via Facebook Mobile

Alina Alexandra May 26 at 1:00am
Dear Anil,
Have you tried visiting Google and Wikipedia? They both are great sources of information!

Anil --- May 27 at 12:07am Report
Sent via Facebook Mobile

Brenton ---May 24 at 7:38pm Report
Get on my 8 incher ;)
Sent via Facebook Mobile

Alina Alexandra May 24 at 8:25pm

Brenton --- May 24 at 8:25pm Report
Sent via Facebook Mobile

Brenton --- May 24 at 10:17pm Report
Don't u like them big
Sent via Facebook Mobile

Alina Alexandra May 25 at 3:38am
Dear Brenton,
If I was to tell you that I didn't like them big, would you make it shorter for me?

Brenton --- May 25 at 3:39am Report
Id make a shrink ray
Sent via Facebook Mobile

Alina Alexandra May 25 at 3:41am
Whatever that means. Please go chop it off and don't email me again.

Brent --- May 17 at 11:01pm Report
ahh pinup girl aaha :)

Alina Alexandra May 18 at 1:41am
Wrong person, Brent!

Brent --- May 18 at 2:01am Report
Your up late/early haha :)... And nope my eyes don't lie I have the right person haha
Sent via Facebook Mobile

Brent --- May 18 at 2:01am Report
Oh do u live in Russia???
Sent via Facebook Mobile

Alina Alexandra May 18 at 2:27am
You are right! I am up quite late! I enjoy staying up reading articles about dinosaurs, playing violent computer games and responding to fb messages...especially messages sent from people who believe I am the "cheesecake" model from the 40s - 50s, a desperate woman who unwittingly participates in the industry that seeks to idealise women unrealistically, as women without ambitions or personalities of their own.

Brent --- May 18 at 2:30am Report
Haha In not sure if your being sarcastic or what .. But that all sounds rather full on haha who doesn't love dinosaurs.. And u didn't answer my second question :)
Sent via Facebook Mobile

Alina Alexandra May 18 at 2:38am
Do you like dinosaurs as well? Awesome...whats your favourite one? I like several macronarian Sauropods: Camarasaurus, Brachiosaurus, Giraffatitan, and Euhelopus, mostly because they all have fancy names I can't pronounce.
What makes you think I live in Russia, Brent?

Brent --- May 18 at 2:44am Report
Hahaha ah your a strange one :).. But id have to say outer space and the paranormal are more interesting .. Ah because I'm on my iPhone and all I can see on your page is .. Hometown. Moscow
Sent via Facebook Mobile

Alina Alexandra May 18 at 3:02am
I always used to think I was fairly normal, but I'm afraid some people don't agree with me. You see, Brent, I collect dead frogs and lizards, perhaps because they remind me of dinosaurs. When I was 5 years old I got bitten by a small lizard, which was quite traumatising (it also left its wriggling tail behind and ran away after the unprovoked attack, which I also found very distressing). I have since developed fear and hatred for crawling and jumping creatures and have joined a couple of groups on myspace (back in the day when it was still cool) that promote violence against these pests. Maybe this does sound strange to you, but I feel that my experiences have helped me develop into a sophisticated human being.

Brent --- May 18 at 3:09am Report
ahhaha hey youd be glad that i have a lab tomorrow and ill be cutting up frogs and mice.. so when i slice them up ill do it for you haha.. No not strange just how your typing seems like your taking the mickey.. But then again i have no idea about you.. and its most likely going to stay that way.

Alina Alexandra May 18 at 12:03pm
Brent, I actually don't mind (I dare to say like) mice. What you said about cutting up mice made me feel a little dizzy and sick.. Furry little innocent creatures getting sliced in the name of science...I once had a pet mouse named Cookie. My grandma found it in a jar of cookies one day and was about to kill it, but I saved it, kept it as a pet for a couple of days, then took it down to my neighbours' house because I didn't like them much, and they didn't like mice.
So what is this course that you are doing that requires you to be sadistic to little creatures?

Brent --- May 18 at 12:26pm Report
Haha your little stories make me smile... But hopefully me cutting up these little creatures now will benefit their brothers and sisters in the long run ...I'm at curtin studying environmental science ... Soo how old even are you if you don't mind me asking? I'm assuming your around 23 ?

Alina Alexandra May 18 at 2:18pm
Brent, I think cutting up little creatures will benefit our entire society, but I think it’s a horrible thing to do. I would never kill a little creature on purpose or perform any sort of research on a dead/alive frog or mouse. It makes me sad. Being a scientist, you have probably heard of the experiment conducted by the researchers from the University of California in 2006, who used 30 monkeys for vision experiments; each monkey was anesthetized for a single physiological experiment lasting up to 120 hours, and then euthanized.
I have been putting up old photos of myself on facebook, because it makes me feel better when I think about how attractive I used to look back in the day. I am 33.

Brent --- May 18 at 11:54pm Report
accept my addddd :)

Brent --- May 19 at 2:44am Report
Your like a spider

Brent --- May 19 at 2:46am Report
And how come your so nocturnal ?? Vampire hey.. Don't u have work?

Alina Alexandra May 19 at 2:50am
I don't work. I stay up replying to messages sent by random guys who think I am a pin up girl.

Brent --- May 22 at 9:54am Report
Wanna see something 22 cm long

Alina Alexandra May 22 at 10:15pm

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